
リッピングガイド(2) / 2006-04-11 (火)

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1. Introduction
1. はじめに

I have been asked to write up a guide on how to rip NES music for use in "NSF" players, which play NES music in Kevin Horton's NESM file format.
Kevin Horton's氏のNESMファイル形式が再生できるNSFプレイヤー用のNESミュージックデータの吸出し方法に関するガイドを書いてほしいと頼まれました。
Although I am not an expert by any means in music ripping, I have enough knowledge to rip the easy stuff... And to get other people started.
Kevin is the one who got me started, so I am using his ideas (and some of his e-mails) as a resource.
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